Wisdom and Creativity, Sharing Responsibilities and Benefits

Company Culture

Brand Slogan

Go Far with the Best in Mind

Brand Positioning

Wisdom and Creativity, Sharing Responsibilities and Benefits

Brand Personality

Exper with attitude and feelings

Brand Culture

NEOTECHNIK was established in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. After 100 years, we own excellent brand culture: NEOTECHNIK combines the temperament of "Profound Cultural Heritage" with the spirit of "Strong Innovation Leading" to create unique brand culture connotation

Brand Spirit

NEOTECHNIK brand culture is a perfect fusion of German and Chinese cultures. NEOTECHNIK owns not only German spirit of craftspeople of meticulously crafting products, but also Chinese fighting spirit of continuous innovation and courage.

Brand Mission

Committed to providing high-quality systematic dust removal solutions to promote the progress of human civilization.

Brand Vision

Build a respectable digital environmental protection company with global influence.