Wisdom and Creativity, Sharing Responsibilities and Benefits

About Us

In 1919, Germany NEOTECHNIK was founded in Bielefeld.
In 2006, NEOTECHNIK (Qingdao) Dust Extraction Plant Co., Ltd. was established.

NEOTECHNIK adheres to the concept of Germany's dust extracting technology over a century, and follows the brand value of "Wisdom and Creativity, Sharing Responsibilities and Benefits"; It collects numerous high-quality resources, and provides users with an intelligent dust removal system solution taking intelligent dust removal equipment and Iot of big data as carrier through customized dust removal system solutions. At the same time, NEOTECHNIK is well versed in the working conditions and scenes of global and Chinese dust removal markets. Its products cover casting, metallurgy, mining, waste incineration, building materials and manufacturing, tobacco and other related industrial fields, and its products meet or even exceed the industry standards especially in the casting and tobacco industries and win the trust of the majority of users. In 2017, the concept of "intelligent dust removal" put forward by NEOTECHNIK will bring great progress to the technical field of industrial dust removal.